My 1st Wedding Purchase & DIY  

I spend the day with my mom and we met with some linen peeps....more about that later!

After lunch we stopped in Michael's, now it was just to look. I have a few ideas of DIY items but I really wanted to JUST LOOK. I passed by an end cap and starring right there back at me were the cutest ceramic birds. I just had to have them and best of all they were only $1.99 ea.

Now they came in white only and they have these holes on the side, the white is paintable but the holes I'm just not sold on yet. I plan to pain them red then re-bake them and see how the holes look then. If anything else I can fill them with something later if I choose too.

So, what am I going to use these for you ask....the cake topper. I wanted something different, no letters, no flowers....the feathered birds were too whimsical for my taste, these fit the bill perfectly.

Here they are in all their glory (unpainted of course).

What next?

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